
The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts: The Promise and its Fulfillment in Lukan Christology is unavailable, but you can change that!

The nature of Lukan Christology has been much debated in recent years, with scholars claiming the pre-eminence of such categories as Lord, Prophet, Christ, or Isaianic Servant. In the present work the author examines one major theme within Luke’s Christology, that of the coming king from the line of David. A study of the Lukan birth narrative and the speeches in Acts reveals that Luke shows a...

It is particularly significant that, in the first mention of Jesus in the Gospel, he is described in this way. This point should be stressed: the first thing the narrator tells the reader about Jesus—the main character in his story—is that through him God will fulfill his promises to David. This indicates, at the least, that this Davidic-messianic motif has a prominent place in Luke’s christological presentation. Two further points should be made. First, it is clear from this passage that for Luke
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